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  4. 8 StocksCafe Features All Users Should Know

8 StocksCafe Features All Users Should Know

StocksCafe has a wealth of tools available to assist investors and here are the 8 basic ones that every user should know about.

Chances are you already know this one, and it might even be the reason you joined StocksCafe for. Still, it bears highlighting! Easily manage and track your stocks in several exchanges – SG, HK, US, KL, UK, JP, SHG, for now, but more are in the pipeline. View the daily and overall P&L, dividends, and many more, all consolidated in a single place.

Useful links:
How to enter my first transaction
How to create a portfolio and add stocks transactions

For stocks in exchanges not yet supported, or other assets like unit trusts, property, insurance, you can track them using Other Assets.

Tip: There is currently no limit on the number of transactions for this feature, even for free tier users. So if you are a free tier user but still unsure about paying to become a Friend of StocksCafe, you can use this to track everything. Yes, it’s all DIY, but it’s easier than doing it in Excel!

Useful links:
Quick guide to Other Assets

What is your total net worth and how far are you from achieving your financial freedom? This dashboard tells all. (Assuming you filled in all relevant information. Dashboard is a tool, not a crystal ball 😉

Useful links:
How to use Stocks Cafe to track your net worth

Say you have trading accounts in several currencies for the different markets, or perhaps even accounts with different brokerage companies. Remembering how much cash you have in each account or logging in to check every single one can be annoying.

The Cash Balance feature in StocksCafe can easily track the cash you have in each account for you! Dividends come in? No problem, it is automatically updated. Personally, this is one of the features I use often because I have several accounts and there is frequent movement of money, and this just helps keep everything conveniently organized.

Useful links:
What is Cash Balance and how to use it

There is nothing happier than receiving money, and StocksCafe collates all the dividend information in one place for easy viewing. Knowing how much money is incoming, and when, is also helpful in planning finances!

Who else looks forward to the evening email from StocksCafe to see how your portfolio performed for the day? This is definitely useful for a quick glance at your portfolio, delivered straight to you. There are many settings available for emails, be sure to check the link if you don’t think yours are updated!

Some people have shared their portfolios, and it’s nice to see and study what other people are holding and how they are performing as compared to yourself. It’s really great to learn from each other!

8. Star Pages (at the bottom of every page; excluding forum)

StocksCafe is so comprehensive that is is sometimes easy to lose your way. Here is where starring pages will help. It’s essentially a bookmark to quickly return to the page again.

Simply click on Star This Page at found at the bottom of non-forum pages to bookmark the page. To access your starred pages, click on Starred on the top navigation bar – it’s that easy!

Note: The Starred tab only appears on the bar if you have at least one page starred.

Updated on 22 April 2021

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