(If you want to track T-Bills or SSB, go to the respective pages.)
All features related to your portfolio is based on transactions you enter.
Once you enter your transactions, StocksCafe will perform a wide variety of computations for you, ranging from your performance such as P&L, time-weighted, XIRR, to dividends collected/expected to collect.
There are two ways to enter your transactions into StocksCafe:
1. Enter them one by one via this link
In the StockCode field, please note that while only active stocks will be suggested in desktop, you can add transactions for inactive stocks as well.
The rest of the fields should be quite self explanatory and have error/boundary checks on them which lowers the likelihood of erroneous entries.
2. Bulk import them via this link
Please adhere strictly to the format stated in the link.
As it is using a comma-separated format, please note that if you have any commas in the content (e.g. values more than 1000), please either remove them or put quotation marks around them (e.g. “1,234”).
Make use of the Google sheets on the same page to format your transactions correctly.